Eagle are a small British bespoke car maker who over the last few years have brought us 2 stunning -albeit expensive- models, the Speedster and the Low Drag GT. Eagle have been focusing their efforts on their quest for puuurrfection (couldn't resist, sorry) for over 30 years and I'm sure you'll agree it's well worth it. They have now brought us another model in the form of the Spyder GT and oh my. They've done it again. It will be delivered to the first lucky customer in the summer although that is a few months away I'm sure it will be worth the wait!

Unlike the Speedster, the Spyder GT will have folding roof for practicality which is ideal for the ever changing British weather! Eagle say it will combine the style and dynamics of the Speedster and the high performance touring capabilities of the Low Drag GT. So this sounds like the best of both worlds of the former models and ties the trilogy up quite nicely. Don't think this all show and no go though, it has the same 4.7 litre straight six as the LD GT meaning you will get 346bhp, 0-60 in under 5 seconds and a respectable top speed of 170mph. This is sure to be another heartbreaker with it's sweeping curves running across it's aluminium body.

How much for this British nostalgic excellence? A mere £695,000... If that is too much to stomach Eagle do have some 'cheaper' models on sale that be bought. Right, I'm off to get a lottery ticket, don't wait up...