Yesterday I brought news of a man in Canada who converted a smart car into a ski car and today I bring news of another rather unusual vehicle. This time the story comes from dear old Blighty and is about a mechanic - mechanics seem to have to much time on their hands - called Kevin Nicks from Chipping Norton. Nicks is also a keen gardener so what better way to combine his two loves and to make a driveable shed?
The car started life as a Volkswagen Passat before the shed framework was added to it causing the vehicle to tip over the scales at around two tonnes. Despite this weight gain it can still get over 70 mph easily making it the fastest shed in the world. It is also likely to be the most comfortable as it has leather seats and air conditioning too.

Nicks built the car for hiring and advertising with 20 companies reported to be interested in wooden wonder. It wasn't as straight forward as it sounds though as Nicks as found it almost impossible to the DVLA to make the £5000 project road legal. Nicks said: "I contacted the DVLA and I was straight up against a stone wall. They were keeping me off the road and throwing hurdles in the way. I actually built it as an advertising tool so they destroyed the business - they absolutely killed it dead."
However, this did not discourage him and he then decided to write to his local MP which is none other than David Cameron. Thanks to the help of our Prime Minister Nicks was able to get the project on the road (literally) after Cameron wrote to the head of the DVLA. It still took four months to get it fully approved but now Kevin Nicks is able to drive his shed on the road happily and most important legally. He says that he will look to build more unusual cars in the future.