Earlier today I brought you news about the extortionate parking spaces around the UK but it appears you're not alway safe when parked on your own driveway. This rings true for Niall and Amanda McCarthy from Bishops Stortford. who were bemused when they found that their Volkswagen Golf had been slapped with a £35 parking ticket.
They claim that the car was parked on their driveway at the time but the ticket was issued because it was "parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours". Mr and Mrs McCarthy said that have used the small driveway for 14 years with no problems and this is a first for them.
Mr McCarthy couldn't believe the matter, stating: "It is just laughable really. The car was as tight to the house as we can get it.The fact that they had to physically walk onto my drive to put the ticket on just shows how ridiculous it is."

He added by saying: People have said how we are blocking the pavement but that is not what the ticket is for - it has said we have parked in a restricted street
"We park there all week and at the weekends so I'm not sure if it is just a new warden who has a problem with it.
"I can understand why there are double yellows down there as it is tight, but we aren't obstructing anyone."
An East Herts Council spokesperson said: "We will be happy to consider any information the motorist wishes to provide and will take it into account if the motorist takes up the right to challenge the penalty charge notice."
I feel their pain but let's be honest, that drive is too small to be used effectively and I can see why other residents complain about the lack of pavement space.