This has been a question that has popped it's head up a few times over the years and is once again dividing motorists. This comes after a Freedom of Information request revealed that in 2015 17,000 drivers over the age of 70 were banned due to medical issues. This new information has resulted in half of the nation stating that older drivers should be made to retake their driving test.
It has also been revealed that a quarter of UK motorists feel there should be a maximum age limit, following a survey conducted by The DVLA states that there are 4.5 million over 70s on the road at this moment in time as well as a rather amazing figure of 239 licence holders who are aged 100 to 108. Other figures found from the study revealed that two thirds of Brits would call the police if they felt an older driver was presenting a danger on the road.
However, older drivers have hit back, with one in three saying that are better drivers now then they were when in their first few years of driving with four in ten saying that would be willing to take a new test to prove it.

Matt Lloyd, motoring expert said: “For years, people have argued over whether younger or older motorists are the worst drivers.
“While this is still up for debate, we need to understand that we should be more concerned about the individual’s driving abilities. Drivers, regardless of age, should be mindful of their own ability and make sure responsible driving is their number one priority.
“Your safety and the safety of other road users are the most important things to consider. If you’re concerned that your driving is not as good as it was, don’t wait for an accident to convince you to stop.”
What do I think? Well, this is a sensitive issue because we don't want to start telling people what they can't and can do as it can be seen as patronising or condescending. However, a lot has changed on the road since they would have passed their test and they will be much busier too, which can be daunting for an older person. Personally I think they should retake their test, at the end of the day if they fail it's probably for the best and if they pass it means they can continue to drive without being a potential risk on the road.
What do you think though? It'd be great to hear your views.