A car has been developed over nine months and has been designed specifically for 5-10 year olds. The car won't be anything like the Little Tikes car we grew up with, oh no. This car will have two seats and will be powered by twin electric motors. The car also features disc brakes and independent suspension, left or right hand steering and even a system that detects obstacles, which avoids collisions. The exterior has been designed by Chris Johnson, who has over 30 years’ experience in automotive design. Blimey that sounds better than most cars adults get as their first car.
The car is the brainchild of Young Driver Motor Cars Ltd who are the largest provider of pre-17 year old driving lessons in the UK. To date they have delivered over 300,000 lessons to 10-17 year olds. The car will have a top speed of 10 mph but can be controlled by a parent via a remote control if necessary. The car will launch in May and will be available for use at Young Driver venues across the country. It is entirely unique and is also exclusive to the UK.
Kim Stanton, director of Young Driver, said: “This is not a toy, it is very definitely a small car! We’ve had children involved throughout its development, working with the designers and engineers to ensure that it provides a realistic driving experience. The Gadget Show will allow us to get a wider cross section of ages and sizes behind the wheel, trying out our final pre-production models. All young test drivers at the Gadget Show will be able to tell everyone they were one of the very first people to give the car a try, and that they had a hand in its development.”