Do you remember seeing - not best choice of words - the Aston Martin 'Vanish' in 'Die Another Day'? Have you ever wanted an invisible car? Well then you are in great luck as MG have announced a concept car which is invisible. The car has been developed by MGs engineers and designers at their site in Longbridge and is a world first.

Matthew Cheyne, Head of Sales and Marketing for MG, said: “We were really honoured to have Professor C.Thrue and Chief Designer Avril F’ouil working with us on this new project. The site at Longbridge has been buzzing with excitement and people are really enthusiastic about working on something so advanced.
He then continued by saying: “At first we had some trouble with the cars, as people kept walking into them or we’d misplace them on the site. As soon as we placed the iconic MG badge on the front of them, using non-invisible materials, we were able to find them much more easily.
“At first we couldn’t see the point in doing something like this and we know that some people won’t think the car is much to look at, but we are proud of creating something so advanced.
“It definitely makes parking in busy cities easier, as traffic wardens can’t see the car to put a ticket on!”
Read below for further details...
APRIL FOOLS! Share this story to your friends and see if they are silly enough to fall for it as well