The troublesome trio still haven't come up with a name for their forthcoming motoring show for Amazon Prime, but they have announced a new motoring community they've launched. It's called DriveTribe and it will be an online community where motorists can meet and talk about, well, motoring.
The three boys along with producer Andy Wilman, have teamed up with entrepreneur Ernesto Shcmitt and the site is set to launch this autumn, presumably at the same time as their new show. The website will have 20 members of full time staff and at this moment in time the details are a bit thin on the ground.
Speaking on the project, Richard Hammond said: "Gamers have got Twitch, travelers have got TripAdvisor and fashion fans have got, oh, something or other too. But people who are into cars have got nowhere. There's no grand-scale online motoring community where people can meet and share video, comments, information and opinion. DriveTribe will change that. And then some."
The idea sounds cool BUT they will have some strong competition in the form of PistonHeads and CarThrottle, two very established motoring communities. It's probably worth mentioning Reddit as well as there are a fair few communities that meet up using that platform. Plus Facebook is obviously worth a shout. Hmm, it looks like they former Top Gear boys will have their work cut out.