A study carried out by road safety charity Brake has revealed that 92% of motorists asked believe there should be restrictions put on newly qualified drivers. 66% feel that drivers should have to display a 'P' plate for a year after passing their test and a similar number believe there should be zero-tolerance drink-drive limit in place.
Latest figures show that 2,088 drivers and passengers between the age of 17 and 24 were killed or seriously injured in just one year, and despite drivers aged 17 and 19 making up just 1.5% of all UK license holders, they make up 9% of fatal crashes.
Half of people asked also felt there should be a restriction on the engine size fitted in their cars. In my opinion that is probably not needed too much as the insurance companies will see to it that a 17 year old has to make do with a small capacity engine.
79% of people feel there should be a minimum timeframe when learning to drive, with 62% believing that should be at least six months. Again, I'm not sure I agree with this because some people pick up driving quicker than others and I think when you're ready, you're ready. Any good driving instructor will be able to tell when their pupil is ready to be tested if you ask me.
Other restrictions suggested when asked included 44% suggesting new drivers should not carry passengers, 38% suggested new drivers should not drive in the dark and 35% stating a new driver's license should be automatically revoked if traffic laws are broken.
I can definitely see the merits in some of these suggestions but I feel new drivers have enough to think about in regards to getting the right - and cheapest - insurance and getting the right car without having to worry about restrictions on what they can do or can't do. Having a car is all about freedom if you ask me and if you start putting restrictions in place then it's a false sense of freedom.
I know it's about keeping them - and others - safe but you would need to be careful with which restrictions you bring in as it would be all to easy to end upset and frustrate new motorists. It's safe to say I'm very much in the minority here but i'm willing to be brave and state that I do not necessarily agree with this. I can appreciate it but I feel we'd be on the verge of taking a nanny state approach.
Do you agree restrictions should be placed on younger/new drivers or do you believe they should have the freedom they have worked hard to get?