This evening I got a very pleasant surprise after I finished my gym workout. I opened up my gmail to discover I have been made a DriveTribe leader and needlessly to say I was very excited - I still am in fact!
Some of you may be asking 'What is DriveTribe?' Well the answer for that good question can be found here. If you can't be bothered to read that though let me briefly explain. It's a online community for anyone who loves cars and driving that will launch in the Autumn.
I was suggested to apply to be a DriveTribe by my wife and in all honesty I gave it a go but I didn't expect to hear anything. On the application you had to put what area you would specialise in and it seems only natural to put hot hatches as that's a genre of car I've also been attracted to.
My role and what it will entail is yet to be announced but I'm sure I will find out in weeks to come but essentially I will be leading a 'tribe' will share the same love for hot hatches as myself. In the meantime you can check out the DriveTribe website which is a bit limited in information at this moment in time but what this space....