Earlier I wrote about the milestone set by Renault for producing 20 vehicles to have a 5 star NCAP rating and today Car Obsession has hit its own milestone - 500 articles published. Well 501 if you count this one. If you can call this an article. I fear I may be going off-subject...
Cut to the chase!
So, to celebrate this milestone I am offering a small but perfectly sized giveaway. To enter it's pretty simple - anyone who subscribes to the website's newsletters throughout the month of September will be put in to a hat - or something else that is capable of holding small bits of tiny paper - and just one lucky winner will be drawn out.
What's the prize?
The prize is as follows; a Car Obsession branded bumper sticker, a branded keyring, a branded mug and a branded drawstring bag. I do not have pictures as of yet as it's still being produced so it will be nice and shiny when it gets to you. Big thank you for to Wrappz.com for helping out with the mug and keyring!
What if I've already subscribed to a newsletter?
Fear not, all the people that have already subscribed for newsletters will be eligible to join the competition. Let's face it, it'd be rude not to include you!
Any terms and conditions?
Erm, not really although I do have one or two caveats. Ideally the winner should be UK based as it makes it easier for postage (especially as the mug is fragile, you know what airline handlers can be like!) plus it will be cheaper to post in the UK. Yes, I'm a tightwad, don't hate me!
Seriously though, if the winner does happen to be outside the UK I will definitely make an effort to see if it's possible to send it out to you. The competition is open as of now and will close on the 30th of September.
P.S. Your personal details will not be passed on to third party businesses, etc so don't worry about that!
Oh, one more thing, GOOD LUCK!