Throughout life I've not been much of a brand loyalist. I can't really think of any area of my life where I've stuck with one brand, but it seems I am not alone. Data compiled by motors.co.uk has revealed 74% of drivers stated they would consider changing brand the next time they came to buy a car.
Loyalty points
The data also reveals which brands has the most (and least) loyal fanbase and would you like to hazard a guess which brand gains the most loyalty? For those of you who said Audi give yourself a pat on the back because you'd be right. Just under half (49.40%) of Audi drivers would consider changing brand when buying a new car, but what about the other end of the spectrum?
Ren-no more
Renault drivers have the leas amount of loyalty as 73.55% would consider changing brand when buying a new car. It looks like the French brand needs to have a look at its retention levels as it looks like its losing customers quicker than Jose Mourinho is losing his reputation. Renault is not the only French firm to have such problems - both Citroen and Peugeot 68% of drivers willing to change brand.
Dermot Kelleher, Director of Marketing & Business Intelligence at Motors.co.uk, said: “These results show that consumers have a wide consideration set when looking for their next new car and are prepared to shop around and take the time to research different brands, rather than just stick to what they are used to.
At Motors.co.uk we have built tools like Smart Search that help buyers find cars that match their requirements by the things like budget, running costs and extras. It’s also why we have search functionality that allows buyers to select multiple makes and models within the same search query so they can compare vehicles they are considering side by side and make the most informed decision possible.”