Last week I wrote about a special LaFerrari that had been produced by the Italian supercar brand to raise money for those affected by the Italian earthquake. There was no estimate on the 950bhp hybrid hypercar but it was clear it was going to sell for a high amount, especially when you consider what the car stood for.
Not only was the car produced specifically to raise money for the earthquake victims but the car itself features a few unique details. The car may look like a traditional Ferrari dressed in the iconic red paint but if you look closely you'll see the white piping going around the hypercar as well as an Italian flag on the hood and a commemorative plaque as well.
So, enough waffling, let's get to the bit you really want to know - the price. Well it went for a fair bit as you'd expect - $7million was the amount offered once the RM Sotheby's gavel fell on this momentous sale. If you're unsure what that is in Queen's English, let me enlighten you - that's almost £5,5million at today's exchange rates!
All that money will go towards the reconstruction efforts following the Italian tragedy and as a measure of goodwill RM Sotheby's waived its auction fees to ensure that the maximum money was raised for this worthy cause. A fantastic gesture by both Ferrari and RM Sotheby's to do their bit to help out those affected by such bad turn of events.